Wet Felted Hat Workshop

Using resist wet felting techniques, you will learn how to create a wool felt hat. From design to completion, you will use carded wool, soap, water and your own hands to create your own wizard style felt hat.

Wet Felting Hats Workshop

 Using resist wet felting techniques, you will learn how to create a wool felt hat. From design to completion, you will use carded wool, soap, water and your own hands to create your own wizard style felt hat.

6 people max

Book here

This workshop is taking place in the Education suite at Lincoln Museum, accessible by lift and stairs. To find the Education Suite, enter the museum and walk forwards through the Gift Shop, turn left when you are in the Orientation Hall and go through the first door on the left. Head to the left of the space to find the lift and the stairs. The Education Suite is upstairs (on the lift level called Schools). 

This session will run from 16:30 – 20:30. You are welcome to take breaks as your require them.

 In this workshop you will be using Carded wool, soap, warm water, cold water, bubble wrap and Neoprene templates.

You will make a felted wool wizard style hat that you can take home.

This session is Beginner level and is appropriate for ages 12 and above.

You may find this workshop tricky if you have difficulties with Fine Motor skills (for example, using scissors), strenuous exercise or pain in your wrists or arms. Please be aware when booking that wet felting is an intense physical process. Felting aids can be provided.

Here at Lincoln Museum and Usher Gallery, we welcome all participants; if you still aren’t sure whether this workshop is accessible for you or someone you care for, please email us at lincolnmuseum@lincolnshire.gov.uk and we can discuss your access requirements.