
Interplay is a collaborative installation showcasing artwork created during workshops with a playful approach to artmaking, held at adult day centres throughout Lincolnshire.

The installation draws inspiration from the immersive sensory rooms that are an important resource in the centres. These follow none of the expected rules about indoor spaces, often taking out daylight and furniture altogether in favour of projected light and textured surfaces. 

Interplay transforms the gallery space with pattern, colour, and light to capture this specific atmosphere and invites the viewer to use the space in an unusual way. The exhibition creates a dynamic environment within the gallery. 

List of artists:
Laura, Jade, Timothy, Barry, Ibby, Heather, Jane, Charlotte, Barry, Christianne, Richard, Michael, Mark, Richard, Jordan, Janice, Victoria, Adelaide, Mathilda, Gillian, Ruth, Michael, Karl, Michael, Mark, Emily, Paul, Robert, Gail, Paul, Tal, Terry, Nigel, Mark, Tracey, Sarah, Steven, Wayne, Colin, James, David, Jared, David, Catherine, Josh

Lincoln Museum outreach

Since 2020, the artists Lumo have collaborated with adult day centres in Lincolnshire through Lincoln Museum’s outreach programme. This long-term project has impacted the lives of over 60 individuals and their carers. Lumo have shaped a programme of person-centred activities that build pride, grow skills and develop a sense of ownership through creative projects. These include establishing a micro enterprise that raises money for the centres, and supporting participants to take part in the annual Wolds Festival. All activity is guided by the preferences and aspirations of the participants. These established relationships have culminated in the exhibition on display today, which has been facilitated by Lumo.

Lincoln Museum funds and supports community-led outreach projects through our Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation. 

More about Lincolnshire County Council’s Adult Day Centres

The adult day centres offer day services across the county, supporting a wide range of people including people with disabilities, learning disabilities, autism and other long-term health conditions or differences. Services are hosted in community spaces which support people who come regularly and offer anyone who wants to the chance to drop in, meet new people, try our community cafés and much more.
To find out more, visit Lincolnshire County Council’s website.