Stitch & Peacock - Danica Maier

Artist Danica Maier presents a solo exhibition based around textile history.

Stitch & Peacock

Stitch and Peacock is a solo exhibition by American artist Danica Maier, combining drawings, stitch and wall painting with a selection of embroidery and textile pieces from The Usher Gallery Archives  Taking a rarely seen embroidered Jacobean bedspread as a starting point, Maier has created a series of new works, including a large wall drawing, which are rooted within the Lincolnshire textile collection, and history of embroidery.

Using the embroidery archive as a starting point Maier creates intricate drawings; mimicking the line of stitch these works are not what they first seem.  These new works investigate the historical stitched objects by repeating and redrawing from their original patterns, depicting the mark of stitch and imagery found within them.

Sidestepping the common ideas related to embroidery and stitch, often seen as women's work or part of the domestic realm Maier investigates alternative ideas hidden within the history of stitch. In Maier's work the heartfelt, funny and titillating side of textile history comes into focus.

You can find out more about the artisit at:


Read the poem written in response to the exhibition by Maureen Sutton HERE





Flock Mnemonics - Rob Flint

Daily at 10:30am, 1pm and 3:30pm

Flock Mnemonics is a work for The Collection's sound wall by artist Rob Flint, made in response to the exhibition Stitch and Peacock. The work examines the way humans understand and memorise bird calls through the use of 'mnemonics' that mimic the birds' cry in words, sometimes even naming birds such as 'Chiffchaff', 'Crow', or 'Tit' in imitation of their cry.


Subversive Needlework

14th November 10:30am - 15:30pm

Cost: £35

Book a place at: Call: 01522 550965 to make payment

Working with artist Danica Maier, this workshop will work against the usual printed guide pattern and 'rule' of a needlework kit to create a unique stitched work for each individual participant.

Using the kit’s original printed guide as the starting point you will develop and create new rules for working up your needlework piece. Focusing on one or two elements that will celebrate the original printed guide image as something to be retained while adding, developing, miss matching, or ignoring it with the new stitch marks. You will create an entirely original piece using the kits original design as the starting point while making a new work unique to you.

Beginners and experienced embroiderers welcome.

You will need:
Sampler/embroidery kit - can be partially started, new or used - can be found in craft shops/online
Embroidery hoop - to fit your kit fabric
Embroidery needles - various sizes
Embroidery thread - various colours and size
Small scissors
… and an open mind and sense of humour.


