Ceramic Pandemic

Currently on display in the Orientation Hall: In 2021, people across Lincolnshire commemorated their experience of COVID-19 by designing ceramic tiles in the style of those adorning church floors during the Black Death.

Connecting COVID-19 with historic pandemics reminds us of human resilience. Research has shown the impact of the Black Death plague pandemic which killed 60% of the medieval predecessors of today’s living communities. In 2021, people across Lincolnshire commemorated their experience of COVID-19 by designing ceramic tiles in the style of those adorning church floors during the Black Death.

Each person devised their own unique design representing something important to them during COVID-19. Some chose pastimes, people, pets or places that helped them get through, others remembered what had been endured, lost or changed. 

The completed tiles are stunning - glossy dark red with striking images in gleaming creamy white, all different but all harmoniously connected. Individually, each tile uniquely represents one person’s experience: something done, feared, loved or lost during COVID-19. Brought together, the tiles make a floor that is a relatable, timeless, stunning reminder of the universality of the COVID-19 pandemic and some of the paths through it. 

View this display until October 2022. 

Ceramic Pandemic was created by the University of Lincoln & Greenfield Pottery for Being Human Festival 2021.
