Banks Family Fun Day with the Maoris
Banks Family Fun Day with the Maoris
A family fun day with activities related to our Joseph Banks exhibition in which we celebrate Maori culture. The day includes a chance to learn how to play Maori draughts (Mu Torere) and a Maori storytime for younger visitors at 11.15. There will be a free family film about Moari life for slightly older children at 11am.Note that it is a PG film so there is some mild bad language and a the plot involves death, but it is an award-winning insight into Maori life. At 1pm the children can learn how to do the Haka and will have a chance to perform it in the museum. From 1 to 3.30pm there is a chance to get your face painted with a Maori design (£1 a person). There are optional £1 crafts including the chance to be a scientist, make a Maori pendant (Hei Tiki) and make some Poi dance balls.