Colour Wall

The Collection is pleased to present 'Colour Wall' a new work for the Sound Wall by Rosie Ann Boxall

Rosie Ann Boxall

The Colour Wall


Plays daily at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 3pm

In this piece, sound is used to represent the colours featured in Land, City & Sea; British Masters from the David Ross Collection, including the paintings, sculptures and even the walls.
This piece is made up of 20 channels of musical tones, progressions and patterns composed together to create a 10-12 minute long work. In addition to this, there are 2 channels of field recordings of green spaces in cities. The Colour Wall is a sonic representation of walking through the exhibition, exploring the space and the colours within it.
The musical sounds are made from synthesised instruments, orchestral, choral and traditional. Certain instruments correspond to colour groups, such as all the blues being represented by flutes and piccolos. The field recordings are from Canwick Hill and show the interaction between land and city environments; both bird song and distant traffic can be heard.

About the commission:
The Collection and Usher Gallery have worked with students from the Sound and Music Production Course at the University of Lincoln to produce work for the Sound Wall, in response to our exhibition programme in 2018-19. This commission has been supported by the Arts Council England.

