The Wrecking Two, our new Soundwall residents

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art 

We are pleased to announce that we have selected a new resident artist for our Soundwall.

The sound artists 'The Wrecking Two' have been involved in creating sound work in the field of what has been termed ‘archaeoacoustics’ since 2003. They have supplied soundscapes for short films, live performances, commissioned musical pieces and were active in the Soundcarriers Music Project between 2007-2012.

The Wrecking Two accredit inspiration from the Maryhill sound experiment, which is effectively a scientifiic sound experiment, however they approach this form of experimentation from a more artistic, creative and musical perspective. They are intrigued by resonant frequencies already existing in our environment and the conscious and unconscious effects they exert upon us. The two members fuse their skills to create polyphonic sound textures and sonic landscapes within an organic methodology, ensuring and maximising the visceral response of the listener.

Their starting point is always the utilisation of sounds created naturally and sounds present within their current environment. They respond to that environment, seeking to explore, exploit and capture the frequencies and resonances most affecting to the human senses. They intend to use the Soundwall to explore the resonances of the Collection’s artefacts themselves, individually and collectively, and also that of their origins; their pre-gallery, pre-museum environment of original discovery or creation, beyond the confines of the building now protecting and preserving them.

The Wrecking Two will be creating a new soundscape which will be on the Soundwall from the 18th October.


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