The 3D Scanning at The Collection is now complete!

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 by Maggie Warren  | Category: Art News 

Hello, my name is Laura Ince I have been employed for six months by The Collection and Usher Gallery (Lincolnshire County Council) to be the 3D Scanning Intern. My role as the intern is to 3D Scan artefacts and sculptures the museum and gallery own as part of their permanent collection for an artist named Oliver Laric.

My main task for this project is to produce 3D scans for the 'Lincoln 3D Scans Project'.

The project started in 2012, when Ashley Gallant from The Collection invited the artist Oliver Laric to propose an idea for the Contemporary Art Society’s Annual Award for museums.
The Contemporary Art Society Annual Award supports a UK museum to work with an artist of their choice to commission a new work that, once completed, will remain within the museum’s permanent collection. One of the most prestigious contemporary art prizes in the country, the award enables the winning museum to acquire an ambitious work of national importance.
Laric’s proposal to 3D scan and subsequently publish all data for free was chosen as the winning project.
The project aims at making the collection available to an audience outside of its geographic proximity and to treat the objects as starting points for new works. All models can be downloaded and used without copyright restrictions.

All the models are now online at [url=][/url]

I started my 3D scanning journey last October,  since then I have accomplished new connections, visited churches around Lincoln, attended technology events, researched and learnt a hell of a lot! I have had such an amazing opportunity to handle a range of artefacts. A lot of the artefacts scanned for the project are kept in storage, so a lot the scans online are artefacts never seen before by the public. Throughout working here I have worked with a high technology kit to create these scans. The 3D scanner used is transportable, which has been ideal for our visits to several churches around the city. We have 3D scanned at St Mary le Wigford, St Peter at Gowts and St Hugh's Catholic Church in Lincoln.

I have personally found this project a huge success and I am extremely proud of the outcome produced. You can see on our website how several artists in the gallery have manipulated and re-worked our scans. These examples show how creativity has no boundaries; and these scans are not only starting places for new work but they are also an opportunity to store artefacts online as a way of archiving.

This whole process of 3D scanning and printing is taking the world by storm and creating a whole new perspective for not only museums and galleries, but for also small and large businesses.  Later this year in July 2014, Oliver Laric will present work from the past five years alongside this newly completed commission which forms part of an exhibition featuring new work from the Lincoln 3D Scans project.

Even though the scanning is now complete and my contract has come to an end, there is still further opportunity out there for the 3D scanner to be transported to other museums and galleries around the area. This is something Ashley Gallant and Maggie Warren at The Collection are working towards to expand the Lincoln 3D Scans project by inviting institutions to participate in this technology driven project proposed by the contemporary artist Oliver Laric.

Thank you to everyone for all the support on promoting and working with this project.

Keep your eyes peeled for more news on the exhibition with Oliver Laric, opening on the 26th July 2014.


By Laura Ince

3D Scanning Intern



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