Spot the fakes, win a teddy…

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 by The Collection  | Category: Exhibition 

Heritage crime in Britain is on the rise nationally - the stealing of lead from church roofs, thefts from museum displays and illegal metal detecting have all been in the news recently.

To accompany our new exhibition, in partnership with Lincolnshire Police, we are offering one lucky visitor the chance to take home our Sherlock Holmes teddy bear, comp-lete with deer stalker, pipe and magnifying glass.

To win, all you have to do is visit the museum and pick up an entry form at the reception desk.  Look at the relevant part of the exhibition, write down the numbers next to the objects you think are fakes and return your completed entry form to the reception desk.  The correct entries will be placed in a suitably Sherlock Holmes-like hat and one lucky winner drawn at random.

The exhibition is on until the 21st December 2013 and the winner will be informed in January 2013.

Good luck!


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