Sound Wall Commission Inspired by Woodland Landscapes

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art Exhibition 

The Collection, Lincoln are inviting artists working with sound and audio to submit expressions of interest for a commission which will be developed for the Collections sound wall. We welcome artists whose practice explores woodland landscapes.
The new Commission will sit alongside an exhibition of works by artist George Shaw who has used the mythology that surrounds the forest as inspiration.

We are inviting proposals from artists working in sound, musicians and writers. The work will be hosted on The Collections unique sound wall, housed within the entrance hall to the museum it is Europe's only architectural sound wall. The unique 22 speaker 22 channel set up, allows for a directional soundscape across the 40 meter long orientation space.

Extra Information

This opportunity comes with an artist fee of £700 plus a stipend of £100 for a site visit.
The audio work will be played 3 times a day and can be up to 15 minutes in duration. Shown between 20 October 2017 – 14 January 2018, played throughout frequency festival of digital culture 2017 and then accompanying the exhibition My back to nature.

Background information about the Collection

The Collection, Lincoln is Lincolnshire’s museum for art and archaeology, housed in two adjacent buildings in the heart of historic Lincoln. The archaeology collections are displayed in the new purpose built museum that opened in 2005. The museum and the adjoining Usher Gallery joined together to form The Collection.

Application Process

How to apply:
For your proposal, we would like;
1. Samples of your work presented as one of the below:
 A show reel of up to 15 minutes uploaded to youtube or vimeo with a hyperlink
 Up to three mp3 files not exceeding 15 minutes in total
 Three video mp4 or quicktime video files not exceeding 15 minutes in total
2. Written proposal (maximum 500 words – How your work would complement the work of George Shaw or relate to the subject of the forest).
3. 1 A4 page C.V


Deadline of applications: 30th May 2017, 5.00pm
Artists informed of decision: 16th June 2017
Site Visit: Late June/ early July 2017
Installation: W/C 9th October 2017
Exhibition/ Duration: 20th October - 14th January 2018

Application Information

Please send your application to please include "App Sound wall George Shaw" in the subject of the email.
Or by post to Ashley Gallant, The Collection, Danes Terrace, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN2 1LP



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