Performance piece ‘Huaca’ by Dug

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art 


Dug Collective – (Joana Cifre Cerda, Kate Buckley, Ross Oliver)

‘Huaca’ is the Peruvian term for all that is sacred and may refer to one who has ability to locate buried, sacred treasure.
The notion of a sanctified activity, object or place tends to be at odds with contemporary culture; practices set apart from everyday reality may be viewed with suspicion, however the need for an individual to embark on periods of withdrawal and reflection is universal and requires no script to guide it.

Evolving from the work ‘Cuckoon’ shown at How Soon Is Now in May, ‘Huaca’ has been developed as a site-specific piece for the Collection, drawing on the sense of the place as a location for digging beneath the surface, uncovering the past and throwing light onto the present. The piece enquires into the nature of the intuitive self under the gaze of the socially conditioned one.

Text taken from:

Huaca live will be avaliable to view on the following dates:

Sat 24th Nov (12:00-14:00)
Fri 7th Dec (12:00-14:00)
Sat 22nd Dec (12:00-14:00)
Sat 5th Jan (12:00-14:00)

Admission is FREE


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