Our New Flags

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 by Will Mason  | Category: News 

On Friday morning, three employees at The Collection and Usher Gallery made the arduous journey up onto the roof of the Usher to raise a new series of flags we'd received from London Artist Rupert Hartley. 

This series of six flags was designed by Rupert to fly on top of the Usher Gallery. Rupert's piece responds to both the architecture and the contents of the gallery and museum. In designing the flags, Rupert was interested in creating a clear visual contrast with the neo-classical features of the Usher Gallery while also reflecting some of the more contemporary contents of the Usher Gallery.

As well as being brand new flags, this series will bring a fresh breath of colour and change to the Usher Gallery just in time for summer. These flags will be up throughout the season for all of Lincoln to enjoy. 

For more information about Rupert Hartley and his work, visit his website here.




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