Opem 2 Prize Announcement

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art Events 

The evening starts at 5pm, with a chance to view the exhibition, this will be followed by refreshments and the prize announcement in the orientation hall at 5.30pm.

The prizes are:
£3,000 purchase or commission prize sponsored by the Heslam Trust
£2,000 Professional Development award for an emerging performance artist
£250 Drawing Prize sponsored by Good Old Drawing.

The exhibition has been supported by Arts Council England.

The second part of the evening will be a talk by Angela Samata, project manager for the John Moores Painting prize about open exhibitions, followed by an open discussion.

The event is due to end at 7.15pm.

We would be delighted if you are able to join us for one or both parts of the evening!


Hello! Thank you very much for that enlightening article


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