Objects prepare for their starring role…

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 by The Collection  | Category: News 

You may have heard that we are developing some exciting new additions to the visitor experience here at The Collection, in the form of handheld multimedia tour guides.  These will allow visitors of all ages to explore our collections in exciting and interactive new ways, and experience the wonderful art and archaeology that Lincolnshire has to offer.

As part of the production process, some objects in the archaeology gallery and the Usher Gallery will soon be temporarily removed from display for filming.  We are sorry if this means that they are unavailable for you to see during your visit, but rest assured that after having their noses powdered for their starring roles, they will be back on display again very soon.

The production also means that the archaeology gallery will be closed to the public on the 15th and 16th November, and that the Usher Gallery will be closed on the 19th and 20th.  Please click here for more details about these closures, and the other activities we will be providing to make sure that a visit on those days is still worthwhile.

The new guides launch in Spring 2013, so make sure to come back and try them out for yourself!


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