Lowry paintings head to London

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art Exhibition 

In preparation for a major exhibition at Tate Britain in London, two paintings by L.S. Lowry left Lincoln this week. Britain at Play (1943) and A View of a Town (1936) will be part of the exhibition Lowry and the Painting of Modern Life. The exhibition will bring together works from the Tate, along with other significant loans, with the aim of re-assessing the artist's contribution as part of a wider art history and to argue for his achievement as a painter of the modern industrial city.

The exhibition of this much loved painter is the first to be held by a public institution in London since the artist's death. The works will be displayed, among around eighty others, so if you're visiting London between 26 June and 20 October 2013 why not visit Tate Britain and see this exciting summer exhibition?

Find out more about the paintings on our collections database at Lincs to the Past.


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