Lines of Enquiry

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 by The Collection  | Category: Art Exhibition 

This exhibition of new work by Ali Roscoe is a result of ‘taking a line for a walk’ between the Fine Art and Fashion departments at Lincoln School of Art & Design during a brief residency.

Her current project explores the many facets of line – from the drawn line interpreted as stitch, to lines of text and narrative, ‘real lines’ such as washing lines, the line as a physical ‘edge’ and lines between, together with the more conceptual lines such as flight paths or lines on a road map or on weather maps where ever changing isobars are overlaid in continuous sequences onto more stable and static latitudinal and longitudinal geometric ‘cross-hairs’.

Ali studied Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University 1991-1994 and is now based in Lincolnshire. She has always been drawn to collage - the physical and psychological processes of cutting and placing, obliterating and layering, has led to new and unpredictable images and more lately objects that lie somewhere between constructed textiles and paper sculpture.
Following the AA2A Scheme at Lincoln School of Art and a previous residency in Chester, Ali for the past 18 months has been working on a new body of work that brings these lines of enquiry together in this invited exhibition for The Courtyard Gallery at the Collection, Lincoln.

Chelsea Pyle


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