Life Drawing Workshops At The Collection

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art Events 

If you've ever wanted to try your hand at life drawing, The Collection is offering a fantastic opportunity to learn new techniques under the guidance of skilled artists. This series of two one-day workshops is open to artists of all abilities, even the absolute beginners. 

The first workshop, on Sunday 3rd August, will be taught by Marek Tobolewski, an experienced tutor and course leader from Nottingham. The day will include drawing from a live model, followed by watercolour and ink painting techniques. All materials are included in the course price, though you are welcome to bring your own if you have them. The second of these workshops will be run by The New Drawing Club on Saturday 9th August. This course hopes to explore the body and its surroundings with the ambition to make observed, representative and abstracted works. This workshop will include access to our printmaking equipment to experiment with various printing techniques. Both workshops cost £35 for the day, which covers all materials and teaching.

Bookings for 3rd August can be made through The Collection by calling 01522 782040, emailing or at The Collection reception desk.

Bookings for 9th August can be made through The New Drawing Club by emailing or call 07762 689468



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