Janet Turville

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art 

Janet Turville is our latest artist in residence to make work in response to our collections.

Her work is often about the impact of consumerism and materialism on everyday living. Her art is informed by historical research and her childhood memories of growing up in a terraced house in Leicester. There, she remembers everything was used in a creative way once it had outgrown its original use.

She tends to use unwanted domestic objects and textiles in her work including furniture, clothing, tablecloths and curtains. These may be collaged, camouflaged or embedded with hidden objects to serve as metaphors for memories which may be clear or cloudy, lacking in clarity and detail, but always having a narrative.

Janet will be working with the locations depicted on the Charles Norman Collection porcelain painted by the artist Jockey Hill. The scenes depicated are mostly rural idyllic landscapes of the East Midlands, usually with two people in the background engaged in country pursuits. Janet will be revisiting these scenes and establishing whether the reality of the Midlands locations today live up to the rural idyll of 200 years ago. Was it forever summer where people had time for country pursuits as painted by Jockey Hill, or was the reality for most of the population a very different story?

Janet's finished work will be shown at The Collection in October to coincide with the Frequency Festival.

For more information regarding Janet Turville's work you can visit her blog page on A-N Artists Talking:



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