International Training Programme 2016

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 by The Collection  | Category: News 

The Collection is delighted to have once again participated in the British Museum's International Training Programme (ITP). The museum has been involved in the annual scheme since 2006 as part of the British Museum's Partnership UK initiative, forging closer links between the national institution and regional museums. The ITP sees archaeologists and museum curators from countries with developing museum and heritage sectors come to Britain to engage with discussions and practical workshops designed to facilitate greater communication and exchange of ideas. As part of this programme, participants spend ten days with a UK partner museum, experiencing museum management and curatorial practice in regional institutions.

This year, the participants coming to Lincoln were Ahmed Mohamed Hemida, Director General of the Akhenaten Museum, Egypt; Leyla Zoroğlu, Keeper of the Sebahattin Yıldız Museum, Ankara, Turkey; and Marie-Antoinette Gemayel, Archaeologist at the National Museum Beirut, Lebanon. During their time with us they joined in practical and discussion sessions on subjects such as collections documentation, display, conservation, education and exhibitions led by a variety of The Collection's specialist staff. They were also able to explore the museum's stores, conservation labs and exhibition galleries, prompting interesting discussions on universal approaches to interpreting and caring for historic and artistic collections. The participants also had the opportunity to explore Lincoln and visit various partner organisations in the city, including Lincoln Castle, Lincoln Cathedral, Lincolnshire Archives and the city's standing archaeological remains. On their final day in Lincolnshire, they visited Belton House to see another aspect of Lincolnshire's varied and fascinating heritage. After leaving Lincolnshire, they spent a few days with our colleagues at the Nottingham University Museum before returning to London.

Antony Lee discussing Roman archaeology in a tour of the museum gallery.

Dawn Heywood highlighting our iconic portrait of Joseph Banks at the Usher Gallery.

Sally Bleasdale leads the participants on a tour of Lincoln Castle.

The participants try their hands at calligraphy at Lincoln Castle.

A nightime visit to the stunning Lincoln Cathedral.

The participants say farewell to Lincolnshire with a visit to Belton House.



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