International Training Programme 2013

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 by The Collection  | Category: News 
  • Collections Access Officer Dawn Heywood discussing a Grayson Perry pot with Freda and Jackline

    Collections Access Officer Dawn Heywood discussing a Grayson Perry pot with Freda and Jackline

Every year, The Collection plays host to a very special set of international guests.  As part of our partnership with the British Museum, we are involved with the International Training Programme ('ITP'), which brings museum professionals and archaeologists from across the world to London to network and share professional ideas and practice.  A major element of the programme is the time that the participants spend with British Museum partners.

This year, we are very pleased to welcome Freda M'Mbogori and Jackline Nyiracyiza to the museum for ten days to see how we manage our collections and work with our local partners.

Freda is head of the Cultural Heritage Department at the National Museum of Kenya.  She has a background in archaeology, with a particular interest in the Kenyan Iron Age, ethnography and preventive conservation.  She completed her Masters Degree in Norway and her doctorate in Paris.

Jackline is a conservator at the Department of Museums and Monuments in Uganda.  She has a particular research interest in Rock Art and the Batwa hunter gatherers of southwestern Uganda.

During their stay at the museum, we will be showing them the cultural and historic delights of Lincoln and Lincolnshire, and showing them the procedures and policies by which we manage our own important collections.  We will also be taking them to important local heritage sites such as Burghley House and Creswell Crags to investigate heritage interpretation and visitor management.

Look out for more updates about our ITP related activities on this blog!


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