International Curators visit The Collection

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    Brian Taylor gives a tour of Lincoln's history

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    The participants enjoyed a relaxing Sunday at Belton House

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    Visiting the 'posterngate' - Lincoln's underground Roman gateway

This summer, The Collection has been delighted to once again take part in the British Museum's International Training Programme - bringing museum curators, archaeologists and heritage managers from across the world to Britain to share skills and knowledge.

For this year's programme, 27 participants from places as diverse as China, Sudan, Ghana, Turkey, Uganda and Iraq joined together to spend time at the British Museum and at a Partnership UK museum, of which The Collection is one.

The 4 participants that visited Lincoln were:

Halah Albadrawi, an archaeologist at the Iraq National Museum

Hind Younes, a Masters student in Museography and Conservation at the Lebanese University

Shambwaditya Ghosh, Archivist at EKA Cultural Resources and Research, New Delhi

Salem Aljadi, Department of Archaeology, Museum of Libya

During their two week stay in Lincoln, the participants were shown the various curatorial, conservation and educational activities of the museum, as well as being introduced to various historical sites in the County and the work of some of our varied colleagues and partners.  In return the participants talked to museum staff about their own institutions and collections, and the issues that they face in managing and displaying their cultural heritage. Despite often facing political or economic disruption, the dedication and innovation of the participants was inspirational, and prompted much discussion on the similarities and differences of the role of museum curators and educators across the world.

After their time in Lincoln, the participants went to the British Museum to spend a further four weeks with a department relevant to their nationality or interest.  The participants were also invited to write a diary entry for the Training Programme blog.


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