Frequency Festival Artists’ Village

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Events 

Frequency Festival of Digital Culture returns to Lincoln from October 18th to the 26th of October, 2013 and Frequency wants you to get involved.

The Artists’ Village is taking place between October 18th and October 24th, and will be situated in the Cornhill. Frequency Festival are offering market stalls for between one and five days; the spaces are free but limited.

If you are an artist and have something you would like to show, make and/or sell in the Artist’s Village, then Frequency Festival would love to hear from you. The aim of the Artists’ Village in the Cornhill is to increase the amount of vital exposure and support available to Lincolnshire artists. This will be a great place to showcase your talent and show your work to a new audience. Frequency are open to exhibitions, selling and workshops – just let them know what you would like to do.

If you are interested, all Frequency need from you is a brief outline (max 150 words) of your idea, what you would need to make it happen and when you would want to show it. Send all the relevant details through to and don’t forget to include contact details!

Please submit proposals by midnight on Sunday 1st of September.


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