Family Friendly Museum Award 2016

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Events News 
To nominate us for the award, email with reasons why we should win!
Deadline: 11 July 2016

The Kids in Museums organisation is continuing its annual 'Family Friendly Museum Award' this year, and we're looking to compete!

The award itself rewards a museum or heritage site that is renowned for being the best in the business for, as the award title states, family friendliness.

Now, what's really interesting about this award is that it isn't just shortlisted and selected by a panel of experts; they actively take (and encourage) nominations coming from family and visitors of the museums themselves! If a child enjoys their visit to a local museum, no matter how big or small the venue is, it can be nominated by that very child (and his family too) for the award.

We at The Collection Museum love this idea. We totally agree on what it stands for, and we especially love that the entire nomination process is inclusive to every member of the public and their families. Mum can nominate, Dad can nominate, but just as importantly, the kids can nominate too. Everyone can have a go!

That's why we're going to campaign to you, our lovely visitors, to help us win the award! This isn't just going to be for us as an institution, we want to win this award for the city of Lincoln and the surrounding county.

The Collection hosts a vast array of artefacts and historical pieces that have been found all throughout Lincolnshire, so it wouldn't be right for us to try and win this thing based solely on how it could help us business-wise. We want to win it because The Collection stands as a centre of county-wide cooperation and interaction on the subject of our shared local history. The Collection isn't just ours, it's yours too. Let's try and win this award to celebrate and honour our SHARED history, so that we can all take part and have a bit of fun.

To nominate The Collection, all you have to do is email: stating that you nominate the museum for the award with reasons why you feel we deserve to be recognised. That will put us in the competition, and with more nominations, hopefully that will amount to a better chance of winning. Whether you were entranced by our impressive collections of artefacts, had unforgettable fun at one of our weekly activities or were captivated by our passionate staff, we want you to get creative!

For more information about the award and the organisation behind it, visit the Kids in Museums website here.


Let's band together and win this thing!


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