Calling All Artists!

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 by Will Mason  | Category: Art 

The Courtyard Gallery programme based within The Collection opened in April 2012, exhibiting Artists based in or from Lincolnshire including academics, recent graduates and Artist groups within the county.

The programme so far has included an extensive and diverse range of monthly exhibitions, of installation, sculpture, jewellery, painting, crafts, textiles, video installation and collage.

We are now looking for proposals from Lincolnshire based artists, individuals, groups or collaborations for the following 12 month programme.
The work needs to be recently made, within the last twelve months or new specifically for the Courtyard Gallery, with a focus on experimentation and development within the artists practice.

Due to the location of the gallery being within The Collection and situated next to the Usher Gallery we have a wide audience base, all ages, varied levels of experience and knowledge from people having their first experience to the avid followers.

We are looking to continue to engage our audience in the exhibitions, whether specifically audience interactive or work which considers the audience’s experience, mindful of how the audience may interact with the work.

We are inviting Artists to submit the following:
500 word proposal
5 x images
1 page CV

The brief is open although there are a few requirements;
Lincolnshire based artists, individual, groups or collaborations.
Work to be made within the last 12 months.
Focus on experimental, developmental, audience engagement.

Entries to be sent to: /

Closing date for proposals 1st November 2014.
Artists will be decided upon and notified by 30th November 2014.
Monthly exhibitions will take place from Autumn 2015.


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