And the votes are in…

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 by The Collection  | Category: Exhibition 
  • Man and vines on a black figure ware vessel

    Man and vines on a black figure ware vessel

A huge thank you to everyone who voted for our next ‘In Focus…’ exhibition.  ‘In Focus…’ exhibitions are small, frequently changing displays offering a detailed look at specific elements of the museum’s collections.

We are pleased to announce that the votes have now been counted and the winner, with 43% of the vote, is…


‘Ancient Greek Ceramics’


‘Glass Ancient and Modern’ came second with 30%, and ‘Africa in Lincolnshire’ third with 27%.

Look out for the 'In Focus... Ancient Greek Ceramics' exhibition opening on the 16th June, which will examine the forms, manufacture, social context and decoration on vessels created when Greece was the most advanced society in Europe.

For those of you who didn’t vote (and of course also those who did), look out for the voting boxes in the museum’s Orientation Hall with three new options to choose between.  Put your token in the box and help us decide which ‘In Focus…’ exhibition we'll be showing next.


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