A look back at the International Training Programme

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 by The Collection  | Category: News 
  • Freda and Jackie at the beautiful lake and sculpture garden at Burghley House

    Freda and Jackie at the beautiful lake and sculpture garden at Burghley House

Ten days have gone past in a flash and our two guests from the International Training Programme, Freda and Jackie, have now flown back home via a brief farewell reception at the British Museum.  You can see our earlier blog post about the programme here.  During their stay we discussed a wide range of museum, archaeological and cultural heritage management issues here at the museum and with our partners.  It is always stimulating to see how other countries approach such issues within their own contexts, and to debate (and sometimes have to justify) the differences in approaches and the way we do things in Britain.  Ultimately, the sessions are a wonderful reminder that museums and heritage sites face the same challenges and pressures across the globe, and by working together we are in a much stronger position to face them.

We went on visits to Burghley House and Creswell Crags to talk to their staff about the management issues they have in protecting and interpreting their unique sites and landscapes, had sessions with colleagues from the Portable Antiquities Scheme and our preservation team, looked at the plans for the future of Lincoln Castle and saw Lincoln's civic treasures in the Guildhall.  All in all it was a very busy schedule!

As part of the programme, the participants are encouraged to write entries for the ITP blog.  You can read the entry Freda wrote about one of her days in Lincoln here.


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