3D Scanning at St Peter at Gowts

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 by Maggie Warren  | Category: Archaeology Art News 

Continuing on from our last trip to St Mary Le Wigford, we have established both a connection and permission from Rev'd Jeremy Cullimore to conduct more 3D Scans at the local Church St Peter at Gowts. St Mary le Wigford and St Peter at Gowts have the two oldest surviving parish church towers in the city of Lincoln.

Scanning commenced Thursday 6th February, Maggie and I visited the church that morning to meet Mr Cullimore. St Peter at Gowts with St Andrew (dating at least, from the early 11th century) is  located on the eastern side of Lincoln High Street. We took a tour around the church locating the architecture and sculptural work, noting down which had the most potential as a 3D scan. Mary le Wigford and St Peter at Gowts were just two of eleven churches in the area in the 11th Century. The earliest surviving architectural features of the church date from the 11th-14th century. The Tower at St Peter at Gowts is typical of the 11th century associated with the Saxon- Norman period and is very similar to the tower at St Mary le Wigford.

We completed four scans in total at St Peter at Gowts including the magnificent font. A lot of the art was so impressive it was almost over whelming but not suitable for scanning due to the scale and height. However, the scenic stonework at the far end of the church would have the potential to become an elegant scan full of Christian iconography.

In regards to the font, there is still much to debate about its date and origin. There is one theory that the font is from a Roman pillar recreated by a Saxon-Norman sculptor. The font was a particularly large in comparison to catholic churches due to the time and era of its creation. I am excited to see this scan on the Lincoln 3D scans website.

To see the scans produced so far please see here on the website www.lincoln3dscans.co.uk

Thanks again to Rev'd Jeremy Cullimore and the staff for supplying information on both St Peter at Gowts and St Mary le Wigford.

By Laura Ince

3D Scanner Intern


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